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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Why I Don't Invest In The Stock Market Part-1!

I'm tired of hearing everyone from the President on down
telling me to invest in the stock market.

If you want to help build America, invest in your business.
This country was built by small business men and women.

I don't invest in the stock market because it's out of my
control. I don't determine how the company is run or where
their profits are placed.

On top of all that, the returns are really peanuts compared
to what you can earn from a well run business. When the
market dropped they said investors shouldn't worry they
should have their money back in 5 years.

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How do we start to invest our money into the stock market? Understanding the several investing styles is the first step. Its difficult to get there unless we know where we're going.

What does a reasonably intelligent individual need to invest profitably in today's stock market? Where to begin? A beginner may be someone caught up in the toils of life, too busy earning a living to make any money, unable to find a little risk-capital to invest. Time is the culprit, too little to do so much - to learn the language of the market, to understand market forces that cause prices to change.

Beginners may also be someone told that "buy & hold" is the only way to invest, but who is dissatisfied with the 5 to 15% return each year and who wants to diversify a little on their own.

Other beginners include seasoned veterans who recognize the changes that have taken place in the market with the baby-boomer investors and the increased influence of the internet. And the classic beginner is the student, serious about what the future offers and how to increase the likelihood of a reasonable piece of the pie.
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